1 location (travel rates vary)
up to 4 people ($25 per additional person)
1 hour
digital gallery
additional files/prints/products
available a la carte
cost may vary depending on travel
up to 2 locations
up to 6 people ($25 per additional person)
1.5 hours
digital gallery
additional files/prints/products
available a la carte
cost may vary depending on travel
up to 3 locations
up to 12 people ($25 per additional person)
2-2.5 hours depending on # of people
digital gallery
additional files/prints/products
available a la carte
cost may vary depending on travel
Pricing will depend on complexity of the shoot.
(travel, # of people, etc.).
Contact me for a quote!
Contact Me
For any session, a $50, non-refundable, booking deposit will be required to reserve your time + date for your session. This will allow for one reschedule if needed. This fee will be applied to the overall cost + the remaining balance paid the day of your session.
Online galleries associated with your session may expire (meaning you will no longer have access) after a period of 1 year following the initial delivery. To re-activate an expired gallery, a $30 fee will be applied. Download your files before the expiration date to avoid the fee.
Each session comes with a set # of images in the online gallery. Additional files, prints, + products sold separately.
(see payment options by clicking here)